Wynn Honors China's Culinary Heritage, Wing Lei Palace Presents
"Ruyi Gastronomy Experience:
Rediscovering the Lost Flavors of Cantonese Cuisine"
Macau, October 11, 2019 – Wynn has always strived to preserve and promote the rich complexity and depth of China's culinary roots. The Chinese culinary history is full of elaborate dishes, but over time, many of these very special dishes have disappeared. In an effort to bring these traditional Cantonese dishes back to life and reveal their extraordinary flavors, Wynn is pleased to present "Ruyi Gastronomy Experience: Rediscovering the Lost Flavors of Cantonese Cuisine" at the Asia's 50 Best Restaurants recipient Wing Lei Palace in partnership with RUYI tableware and renowned food writer Ms. Agnes Chee, author of Vanishing Flavours of Cantonese Cuisine.
From October 23 – 25, Executive Chef Tam Kwok Fung of Wing Lei Palace will take six Cantonese dishes that have been lost in time and restore them to their former glory at a very special banquet. As is customary at a traditional Chinese banquet, presentation is paramount, and the RUYI tableware from the centuries-old French porcelain maker, Legle France is the perfect partner to present each dish with ceremony. Wynn aspires to honor the traditions of the past while breathing new life into dishes that have virtually vanished. Following on from the banquet, the six distinguished dishes will remain on the Wing Lei Palace menu so that many more guests in future will also have the opportunity to discover the modern inheritance and evolution of the Cantonese culinary traditions
Executive Chef Tam preserves the legacy of Cantonese cuisine through his innovative creations. Taking tradition as his foundation, he carefully examines the original nature and essence of each dish as well as their traditional cooking techniques to unlock the secrets of their flavors. He then applies the philosophy behind each one to innovatively reinterpret the flavors through modern cooking techniques. This includes recreating the traditional lace fat rolls with seasonal seafood to Golden Fried Lace Fat Rolls and Scrambled Egg White with Buffalo Milk Cheese. Chef Tam also takes reference from "Manchu Han Imperial Feast" to make Braised Giant Grouper Skin with Pomelo Peel, Kombu and Venison Tendon. In a nod to the late Qing Dynasty era, Chef Tam reinterprets Seng Choi Hin Kwai (Dish of Prosperity) to Dace Mousse Dumpling, Grouper Fillet, Caviar and Lettuce in Preserved Clam Rice Broth. Instead of using traditionally fresh chicken, he uses hand-sliced dace fish and blends it together with sliced Grouper fish congee. For dessert, he creates an extraordinary Pear and Chuan Bei Soup with Deep-fired Almond Puff which is extremely difficult to prepare. The golden fried almond puff is a crispy on the outside with a smooth and silky inside.
The idea behind Chef Tam's 6-course banquet stems from Ms. Chee's extraordinary book which recounts the tales of old dishes that have been lost over time. For more than a decade, Ms. Chee has carefully and methodically traced the roots of China's culinary history by tasting dishes from all across the country. Through her new book, she digs deep into the past to unravel the secrets of each forgotten Cantonese dish. As many of the dishes highlighted in her book have virtually lost, it was no easy task. She spent more than three years researching and interviewing famous chefs who shared stories about the dishes and could explain how to cook them. Through their profound insights into the depth of Cantonese cuisine, she created a systematic record of each of the dish's culinary roots.
Legle France unveiled its elegant RUYI tableware in 2013, a contemporary collection specially designed for Chinese cuisine. These exquisite porcelain pieces set the stage to showcase the extraordinary aesthetics of Cantonese cuisine. Guests will have the opportunity to admire the beautifully designed tableware as they journey back in time to experience the flavors of a traditional Chinese culinary art form that spans more than 5,000 years.
For enquiries and reservations at Wynn Palace, please call (853) 8889 3663. Or for further details, please visit our website:
www.wynnpalace.com or call: (853) 8889 8889.